So tonight's post is brought to you by Fireflies! (Book stuff and links are at the bottom for those who want to skip my Randomness for the day....)
( I love music you can sing along too.... Not that I'm saying I'm any good at it! lol! :)
Wow, right! *Sigh* I love it! For those of us who love our dreams and fantasy worlds this song speaks volumes. I'm sure different music affects people in many different ways, though. His voice is so amazingly soothing, when I close my eyes I feel as though I'm eight, maybe younger, maybe older, running around trying to catch fireflies in a jar.
Wow, right! *Sigh* I love it! For those of us who love our dreams and fantasy worlds this song speaks volumes. I'm sure different music affects people in many different ways, though. His voice is so amazingly soothing, when I close my eyes I feel as though I'm eight, maybe younger, maybe older, running around trying to catch fireflies in a jar.

Favorite quote:
" 'Cause I get a thousand hugs
From ten thousand lightening bugs
As they try and teach me how to dance"
Fireflies are amazing in their own right, so it'd be something marvelous to see and feel, indeed. Ah, the joy of dreaming....
If you haven't already noticed, I really feel that today I'm all up for a blog post that has only a little to do with books, so this is my attempt at randomness, or lack there of ...
So, as many of my faithful followers know I've moved into a new house, a wonderful house, I might add. My favorite part about my new house is our Huge fenced in backyard. It's not only my favorite part, but my little girls and her puppies(Eskimo Spitz, Nala and a Husky, Roxie) , too. You should see them run around! CRAZINESS! It's very amusing and nice. Now the only problem left is figuring out where everything will go and what junk I need to ditch. Okay, okay, I admit it, I'm a pack rat, and no, I don't mean the actual pack rat! LOL! It's so hard to just throw things out. You end up losing or breaking so many things over the years anyway, right? I have so much stuff that I "could" get rid of, but how do I know what exactly to ditch? That, my friend, is why I'm a pack rat! I'm just thankful it's NOT the overbearing kind of pack ratness..LOL! It's definitely not that bad it's just too many boxes in the garage. I'm also a big Book Hoarder! Now I just need more bookshelves (Peter I'll let you know.... :)
On other news, my little girl is getting WAY too big for her own good! Her birthday is just around the corner, she'll be 2 on November 17th. Can you believe it? It feels as though just yesterday I was in the hospital holding her for the first time. Where has the time gone? Being a mother can be hard business, but it's all worth it! The smiles and laughs you get by the simplest of things is most definitely my favorite part about being a mother. Not to mention all the smiles and laughs she gets from me. Anyway, her favorite word right now is Apple. I never thought a word could be so cute! She loves to dance, especially to Hannah Montana or The Backyardigans. I am very serious, we have the Hannah Montana movie sound track CD in our car and we have to listen to it always. She really does get down to the music in her Car seat, and sometimes you can even catch her trying to sing. It's lovely. Kids are most definitely Gods gift to us.
Okay, now onto book news. Lets start with books I've finished over the past couple weeks that I haven't been able to write reviews for yet. Sorry, moving is tough work! :)
Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins- All I can say is Awesomeness! If you are up for solid characters, great action, and crazy plot twists, then I would highly recommend you pick this one up! Anyway, here are a couple Blogger friends reviews for this title, Melissa @ My World and JuJu @ A Tales of Whimsy...
The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie-- The first book in the First Law Trilogy-- Wow! It was one heck of a ride. This book was basically just the set up for a new world and well rounded, fantastic characters. Not to mention all the fight scenes that will leave your mouth hanging open. One thing I will say is The Blade Itself is definitely not a book for the feint of heart. Anyway, here are a few blogging buddies who have done wonderful reviews for this title, Melissa @ My World, Logan @ Rememorandom, and Alec @ Only The Best Sci-Fi/Fantasy.
PastWorld by Ian Beck-- Wow, it was such an experience hanging out in the amusement park of London! I don't want to say too much about this one as I will be doing a review as soon as I am able. You can also enter my giveaway to win a Hardcover copy of it here!
Now onto books I am reading and want to read over the next few weeks....
Girl in the Arena by Lise Haines -- Many thanks to J. Kaye @ J. Kaye's Book Blog for this ARC! Just started this one and so far so good.
Dune by Frank Herbert-- Many thanks to Alec @ Only The Best Sci-Fi/Fantasy for producing such a fantastic review that I just had to pick this one up. I'm really looking forward to starting this title.
The Lost Art of Keeping Secrets by Eva Rice-- Many thanks to Deb @ Bookmagic for recommending this title.
And last, but not least, Embellish by R.L. Sloan -- Many thanks to R.L. Sloan for this review copy. I'm definitely hoping it's as good as it sounds!
(If you have a link to reviews for any of these titles, and I missed you, then feel free to leave the link to your review in the comment section.)
Well, that's it! Krista's Randomness 101! Hope you enjoyed it! If your in the mood for more and more Awesome Randomness, then I highly suggest you check out David's blog @ My Little Corner of the World.
34 Witty Remarks!:
Your little girl is too cute!! Good luck with sorting thru all your stuff after your move.
I just received Embellish too and I'm currently reading it. I'm looking forward to your thoughts on the book.
Awesome Randomness! Love it!
The picture of your little girl is just adorable. I know exactly how you feel with them though. My son is 10 and I remember like yesterday being in the hospital with him for the first time. I was so scared, now if only I knew then what I know now ~ nothing to be scared of.
Thanks for the links to my reviews. You are way to kind to add those, and they are greatly appreciated.
Loved all of your random thoughts! And your daughter is too cute!
So glad that your awesome new house has an awesome fenced yard for your little girl and the dogs. So much fun to play in the backyard, and now you don't have to worry about the dogs running off.
Have fun finding new homes for everything! I love setting up a new house. But I find the strangest things amusing & fun, so just ignore me. *L*
Hey Krista! I have a few awards for you...
Soon to be happy bday to your gal :)
And some awesome books in there. I so wanna go reading now
That video was pretty cool and fun to watch. I've never heard the song before, so thanks for sharing.
Don't let the Hannah Montana and Backyardigans get to you.
Enjoy your new home.
wv: molaks. When things go amiss, always look to the molaks first.
Hi, just visiting from Melissa @ My World. Congratulations on your award. Liking your blog - it's so colourful.
1. Can you believe I have never seen a firefly? TRUE. They don't live in Florida. BOOO!
2. Your daughter is sooo pretty!
3. Happy week :)
4. Ok I was sorta random too. Sorry.
Crystal, Thank you! I hope to have my house completely set up by this weekend! We will see :) I hope your loving Embellish :) I'll definitely stop by to see your review!
Melissam thanks! There comes a time when everyone has to be Random (lol) :)
She's cute but definitely a mess ;) Wow, he's almost a teenager, good luck! lol:D
You are more than welcome, it was fun.
Alexia, thank you! I know I just loved the fenced in yard! It has been such a big help with the dogs and my little one.
LOL! You’re funny! I love the decorating part but not all the sorting through every little tedious thing lol :D
Melissa(x2), thank you!
Blodeuedd, thank you she's getting so big!
I know I can't wait to get started on them :)
Logan, really? You’ve never heard it before? I love it! Glad I could share it with you then, any time :) I loved the video, too!
Oh yeah, Hannah Montana and the Backyardigans have seriously taken OVER one day it's bound to happen to you :D (lol)
LOL, Logan, but I'm not sure what a molak is? Is it a fish? LOL!:)
Petty Witter, thank you for the kind words! Also thanks for visiting :)
JuJu, OMG really? I'm so sorry, they are amazing! I hope you get to one day, they are definitely something to see.
Thank you she's a hand full, though :)
Thank you and you too!
As I said to Mel we all have to be random at times(lol) :D
We must have been commenting at the same time too lol!
I like the song! Thanks for sharing. Your daughter is BEAUtiful!
Hi, Krista! Your little girl is so adorable!
By the way, I saw that you're planning to read The Lost Art of Keeping Secrets. I loved that book! I can't wait to read your review about it.
Jessica, your welcome I love it. Thank you, shes crazy!:)
Peter, thank you she loves to get into everything she possibly can :)
I can't wait to start that one! Glad you loved it :)
I loved listening to this music while reading your post- they are very good.
I'm glad your move went well- fenced in yards are the best for us pet owners! And your little girl is too adorable, just get her off Hanna Montana,ha
You are so good for remembering book recommendations, I need to keep track better
Yay for randomness!!happy unpacking
great randomness! it was a fun read. About your books, so you're gonna join the Dune cult huh? :D I've read most of the prequels but havent gotten to the actual series yet. It's deep. Remember, it's all about that spice...that damned spice :D
Can't wait to read your reviews. You got a lot of good books there.
Don't tell anyone I used this word but your girl sounds so CUTE! So, what's on her bookshelf...?
I love this post! Your girl is just adorable! I know how you feel about time flying. My older son, Gabe, will be 8 in November and younger son, Reece, will be 7 in January. It does seem like just yesterday they were babies =(
That was one deciding factor when we bought our house...a fenced back yard. Our price range was pretty low so we kind of had to settle (house needs work and we don't have money to do it...LOL). But the fenced in yard kind of makes up for it. We're working on a huge cleaning overhaul so hopefully soon I will feel like I'm in a new house again. =o)
Be sure to stop by my blog tomorrow and enter my first contest! If you don't already have the book. I know what a big fantasy buff you are!
Deb, thank you and I really love this song :)
Fenced in yards are great:) At our old house Nala the Eskimo would run out the door all the time and now she just runs out the back door instead :)
Yeah, I don't see losing Hannah Montana for sometime :D She LOVES her. Why? Music, it's as simple as that. :) LOL!
I really have tried to remember all the bloggers who have introduced me to a new book that I just so happened to get. It's the least I can do for such great reviews :)
Yep! I'm so looking forward to joining the Dune Cult! :D It looks to be very promising... :)
I do have quite a few books there, eh?
Logan, thank you and I'll keep it between us. LOL! :D Her bookshelf is full of Princess stories and Mickey Mouse books... I guess you could say all things Disney :)
Michelle, Thank you :)
Oh, your kids are getting big.
Yes, fenced in backyard was a must when we moved here :)
I wish you all the luck with your home as well :)
Of course, I am so there! Count me in I love giveaways! :D
Your blog reads like the meanderings of a small dyslexic child with ADHD, but the good news is.....this blog is worse than yours!!
Oh, my! Well, I think your blog is wonderful, and the defective blog detective is just looking for some kind of rise out of people.
I think he's kinda funny. I really enjoyed your blog, by the way!
I haven't seen a firefly either. This was a great post. Your daughter is a cutie. I'm sure you're a great mom and loving all the laughter filled moments.
Great book picks. I'm really looking forward to catching fire!
so much crap, so little time
The Crap Blog Detective, you are way too funny for your own good :)
Beth Niquette, why thank you! I don't take the Crap Blog Detective very seriously. Really it just cracks me up :D
Alyssa Kirk,What? You haven't seen a firefly either! Well, I hope you do some day soon, they're so cool and pretty! And thank you my little one is a big hand full buyt she is the sweetest :) Oh, and Catching Fire was awesome can't wait to see how you like it!
Hey Krista,
I wouldn't worry about that blog detective. I thought the combination they created was funny though, I will have to remember that to call my friends when they are really out of hand. (Which I don't think this is.)
Buuut, I heard this song on the radio just yesterday! I think I have heard it on the radio in the car before but I couldn't remember, well I did hear it yesterday. I love it!
I really feel bad for those of you who have not seen fireflies. I hope you get to see them sometime. They are amazing in the summertime when you chase thousands of them around in the dark. You know what... I haven't seen as many now-a-days as I did when I was a kid. But then again I'm not looking for them like I did then too.
Mel, thank you but me and The Crap Blog Detective have become fast friends! LOL! I think he's really amusing! If you see on my sidebar I have his calling card, so to speak. LOL! It says "You were Hit By the Crap Blog Detective" LOL! I find it all really funny!(oh, and I left a comment on his AMAZING(yeah, right?) blog..LOL! ;)
I can finially get into BandN and I was wondering if I should go ahead with Canticle while Ken Scholes is visting and then I'll get post on Catching Fire as soon as we are finished with the Canticle discussion. Is that cool?
Oh, and yeah I LOVE this song too! It's wonderful!
Krista, Glad to hear you can get back on B&N! I am only on page 150 in Canticle. It is killing me so I have to go and post thoughts on what I have read so far. I just can't contain my self any longer. So please post away over at B&N. See ya there!
I will have to put the Blog Detectives card up on my blog as well.
Krista, thanks for the comment on my last post. You upgraded my mood from blah to cheery!
She's adorable! I'm also a huge fan of this song, I was lucky enough to snag it when it was free on itunes (lucky me).
Glad you're enjoying your book, I'm just glad that it got to you!
This is awesome - my kinship partner introduced me to this song a few weeks ago. he is 14 and loved it and I have to admit - it is pretty catchy!
Who's your kid shouting at!?! I tell ya, I wouldn't like to get on the wrong side of her.;-)
Glad you're liking Mr A's work. He's bloody brilliant.
Hahaha, what a doll! Cute pic. And I like that song -- I've been singing with it on the radio lately : )
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