Recommended? Yes, anyone looking for a good Historical Romance.
My Review:
Legacy is a tale narrated by Princess Alera in the unbearable position of an arranged marriage by her father, King of Hytanica, to the egotistical and irascible man known as Steldor. Alera finds herself in the position to defy her father when Narnia, a secretive boy from Cokyri, is brought before her father as an enemy. While trying to find a way out of this potential marriage, a century old war erupts between Hytanica, her home land, and the kingdom of Cokyri. Heroine Alera now must chose between becoming Queen of her homeland, or her hearts true love.....
Legacy is the first book in a trilogy written by the young author of 16, Cayla Kluver. This story is very much a romance with fun characters that all have their own unique personality's. Kluver has done a wonderful job with the plot of her story and keeps you engaged and wondering what will happen next. We are left with a cliffhanger ending, which leaves you stupefied and ready for book 2, Allegiance. While I really enjoyed Legacy there was one downside. Kluver's writing, while good, was lacking and over descriptive at times to where I found myself skimming over useless information. But as a first novel (not to mention her age) I think she did an exceptionally good job and has tons of room to grow into a wonderful author! I'll be looking froward to continuing this series.
My Rating: 3.5/5 Very good

Cayla wrote the first draft of Legacy during her sophomore year in public high school. She then worked very hard to combine her junior and senior years so she could graduate early. She completed the first draft of Allegiance, which continues the story begun in Legacy, the following year. She is sixteen years old, and lives with her family and her muse (Nina, her cat) in Wisconsin, where only the hardy survive. Legacy is her first novel. The first edition of Legacy won first place in the 2008 Reader Views Literary Awards, and a bronze medal in 2008 Moonbeam Children's Book Award for young adults.
Thanks to Eleni at /- LA FEMME READERS -/ for this wonderful book!
(All comments welcome!)
17 Witty Remarks!:
Great review. I gotta read this.
Hey Krista, Great review! The book sounds really good, but may not be what I really look for. Sounds like more romance than much else, yet it does sound really good. That is just AMAZING how young she is and what she has accomplished! WILD! Congrats to Cayla Kluber for a wonderful achievement!
Thanks Krista! I love an honest review.
This is the second time I've ran across this book today. Thanks for the review. It's making me more curious about the book.
I think what interests me the most is how young the author is. I definitely want to pick up this book. Thanks for your wonderful review!
I can't believe she wrote a book in high school!! Great review
Juju, thanks! Its really good.
Mel, thank you! Yeah it's not my tipical read but it was really fun. Plus, I just had to see this 16 year old in action and I have to say she did a pretty good job!
Ryan, Thank you! It's definitely a fun read! If you do end up getting it I look forward to seeing what you think.
Jessica, thank you! She really is very young and she wrote it when she was even younger! I look forward to seeing what you think if you get it.
Deb, thank you! It's just amazing how old she is! I couldn't believe it!
Nice review :)
I have heard about this one and I am very curious
great review...I really hate cliffhangers sometimes...especially if i have to wait a year or longer for it! LOL
Froggy, I don't know, you may not like this one then because it has a MAJOR cliffhanger ending! Thanks!
Blodeuedd, thank you! If you do get it I would love to know what you think as well.
Ooooh, this does sound like a wonderful book. I've been reading so much about it too.
Yes - this is a great review. The author is gorgeous. I can't wait for the giveaway!
J.Kaye, it was a very good book. I'm just so amazed she was younger than 16 when she wrote it! Crazy!
Shellie, thank you! I'll have to figure out what I'm going to do for my 50 followers contest. I think it'll be fun.
Really enjoyed your review, I like the 'change-up' lol. I cant believe the author is only 16, she is going to be a force to be reckoned with over the next few years.
I'm very impressed that she is so young and writes so well. Her books can only get better from here. I'm a guy but I read Twilight and I can go for a good romance. As a plus she's very cute!
Teddyree, thank you, and I know I can't believe it either! Oh, yes, definitely an author to look after....
Gregory Kirk, there is nothing wrong with a guy who likes romance and I really liked Twilight too. She is very cute and a wonderful writer! Thanks for stopping by my blog to comment and follow!
She is an ispiration to young writers! Book looks good too!
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