Author: Neil Gaiman
Illustrator: Dave McKean
Genre(s): Fantasy, Horror
Age Rank: 9 and up
Publisher:Harper Collins
Publication date:September 30, 2008
Re-read? Sure. Like any children's book, you could read this many times over.
Recommended? Highly. Anyone looking for a fun, fast, and enjoyable read.
My Synopsis:
A boy they call Nobody Owens, Bod for short, is a normal boy like you and me. Well, except for the fact he's raised and taught by ghosts in a Graveyard. When I say taught, I don't just mean the normal things you learn in school like English, History, and Science. Oh, no, there's also fading, dream-walking, and how to put fear into your classmate bullies. Like any young boy there's mischief and trouble to be had, especially in a graveyard-- a secret gateway to long forgotten ghouls, a mysterious grave of the oldest inhabitant that if you enter you may never return. But what awaits Bod on the outside of the Graveyard could be even more dangerous then whats on the inside....
My Thoughts:
The Graveyard Book, a wonderful tale of a boys adventure through life that I found to be absolutely delightful and fun. This is a children's book, but it does have a darker, gritter side, like a ghost story told to children around a campfire. (There is a smaller children's version of the book found here, maybe not so gritty.) But, of course, all books have there villains, and Gaiman does a brilliant job of giving you just enough to give you the shivers. He has a very sound writing style with a dialogue that's perfect for anyone. Engaging world, fun characters, and the tale exceeds at a rapid pace with adventure steady to the very end. To top it all off we're left with an ending like no other! Now I know why The Graveyard Book won a John Newbery Medal, and in the end I was very happy to have read it!
Also, here's a link to Neil Gaiman on The Colbert Report: It's funny and tells a little bit about The Graveyard Book. Enjoy!
(P.S. I've changed my review up a little - I did my own Synopsis this time. All comments welcome!!)
18 hours ago
24 Witty Remarks!:
Thanks for the review! I wasn't really excited to read this book but I am now!
Great job on the review! I have this in my TBR pile and am really looking forward to reading it! Thought you did a good job on writing your own synopsis. I'm too lazy and just copy the synopsis from Amazon or BN. *L*
Great review. I can't wait to read this one.
Great review. I like the re-read part especially. Some books I really like but I know I'm not going to reread them. others I know will get read several times.
Love the Colbert clip!
PS Thanks for the award!
Great review! I have this book already. Guess I'll get around to reading it...someday...LOL!
Sounds eerie :)
Great review, Krista. Looks promising.
I love your review and synopsis. I really want to read this one!
Great review. I just got mine in the mail yesterday and I can't wait to read it :)
great review! I have heard a lot about this book, just never really got to know what it was about! thanks for the info though now I know this is my type of book. I'll check for it and look around.
I have an award for you here
Thank you, everyone, for all the kind words! You all Rock!
Great review :)
I am listetning to it on audio, too bad I suck at that so it's taking a while. But I love what I am hearing and I think it's Gaiman who narrates and he is perfect
Thanks for the great review! I have no idea how I've missed your blog for this long! I LOVE it! Feel free to stop by and visit mine anytime! (I'm holding a few giveaways...including a bookshelf)
Have a wonderful week!
Amy (Park-Avenue Princess)
Hey Krista, I loved your blog and you did a good job on you first synopsis. I read your review of Hunger Games and I thought it was great, but your reviews are getting better with each post.Keep'em coming and good luck!!
Okay, here's the deal. I've never read a book by Neil Gaiman. I know, I know, it's total insanity.
Great review. This is on my to-read list.
I have an award for you kiddo.
This sounds really good! I have seen this reviewed before and it has consistently been reviewed as a good read.
Blodeuedd, glad to hear your enjoying Gaiman!
Park Avenue Priness, thank you so much! I'll definitely check your blog out, thanks!
Lillypad, thank you! You rock!
J. Kaye, you really should go for it!
Tara, Thank you! gald to hear it's on your list!
Ryan, thanks!
Sheila, thank you! It really is a good book!
wow...I need to add this to my get list! Looks good! Great review!
ps. If you adjust the size of area where posts are or width of your right sidebar..your right sidebar will come up like the one on the left..shouldn't be much you need to adjust...only 5 or 10 off the number that is in the html. HTH!
Froggy, thank you twice! I'll see if I can change it up a little!
thanks for a great review.
I picked this up a couple of weeks ago and hope to read it before the snow starts flying...
Okie, thank you! Love the picture, by the way! Awesome movie!
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