Well, guys, this is officially my very first post due to the encouragement of a couple friends Ryan over at wordsmithonia and Melissa over at My world, so here goes nothing and Thanks guys!! I'm not really sure where this blog is going or even if I'll have anything that interesting to tell everyone, but I thought I'd try and give it a go.

But, hey, enough about that on to something more exciting like trying to potty train your little one! Oh, yes, I said it! I'm trying to get Aubriannah out of diapers and into undies, but boy is it harder than you may think, because I never know when she has to go...LOL! Now is about the time I wish I had some mind reading powers that you only find in movies or books! Plus, I just finished potty training our new found puppy Nala can you believe it, what's that saying "two birds with one stone"...LOL! Ha, that's laughable. It just seems like yesterday I was taking her bottle and pacifier away! Boy, do they grow up fast, and I mean Fast! Before I know it she'll be headed off to High School and I'll be left in the dust by best friends and boy friends. Oh, no, boy friends, I'm not looking forward to the birds and bees talk, yikes! But, well, I guess someone has to do it, and I do love her too much to put into words! Life is great with these two around Lots, and I do mean lots of laughs! Aubriannahs in the dancing stage, so cute! She's also learning how to swim, oh my goodness she's growing up....!
Anyhow, I'm in the beginning of The Name Of The Wind by Patrick Rothfuss for my third time, and, I tell you what, it's even better than I remember! Rothfuss' writing style is fantastic! The way Rothfuss starts off his story is by easing everyone in and grabbing your attention with soothing yet powerful words, and once he has you he holds you. Rothfuss has tons of little quotes that are just amazing like page 26 "It was deadly as a sharp stone beneath swift water." A Simple little sentence, but what it gives you is a wonderful visual, as well as a great meaning. It's the actual flow of the words that keep you so immersed. It doesn't feel as though you're reading this story, but actually there beside Kvothe as he's telling his life story. Kvothe, the main character, is an innkeeper telling his life story to a stranger, but mind you, this is no ordinary life story this story is filled with magic, love and music. Kvothe may be young, but he's old in mind, and he tells his story as though a grandfather would to his grandchildren - with heart, love, and sadness of now and memories left behind. And what's more comforting and enchanting then sitting on your grandfathers knees and listening to an old War story, I say!?! Also, one of my favorite parts about Rothfuss' writing style is his use of Music. When the music comes around he uses it in such an exhilarating and captivating way, and it's absolutely unbelievable how he can describe music as though you are right there listening to it. Seriously, I can't even put into words how intoxicating it really is! So, I urge any and everyone that hasn't read this book to do so, I promise you, you won't be disappointed!
Well, I guess that's it for now I hope everyone has enjoyed and hopefully I can come up with more things to write about at a later date!
5 Witty Remarks!:
Hip Hip Hooray!!!! Welcome and I hope you have tons of fun with this. I'm going to be looking forward to your posts.
The Name of the Wind is awesome. One of the best books I've ever read. I remember posting in my blog the part near the beginning, where Kvothe plays the lute around the campfire and stuns everyone else there. That was a great scene in and of itself, but the way it was written made it exponentially better. I want to write like that some day...
Good luck on your new blog!
Hey Krista glad to see you joining us. Don't worry on your blogs, I seem to struggle a little with what to say. I am afraid to offend someone or repeat myself (which if I do repeat myself please let me know, seriously.) I seem to never have a problem here at home with finding anything to talk about, well I will just have to carry that over to here also.
Your daughter is adorable. And I remember the potty training days, oh yes I don't want to remember the potty training days. We did the matchbox cars as a gift for going, we sat on the toilet for hours, used the kids one, used the kids one on the real one, we even did, yes we did the PeePee on the Potty Dance with singing to go with it. LOL!! That one was a good one when we were able to get others including my father-in-law to do it, he did it the best, LOL. Any way they say boys are harder than girls to potty train, my son didn't get trained till about 3. We worked very hard for 2 years. I do wish you the best of luck and the only advise is when they are ready it will just happen. That is the way it happened for us, worked so hard and so long with him and when he was ready it was an over night thing and never another accident.
Aaahhh, now on to The Name of the Wind. I love the cover you have here, mine looks different but I like this one. I really do like this book. I am trying to get through with the Sword of Shannara because I want to dedicate my time to this book. I too love this book and I am only 58 pages in. I think the writing style is just amazing. I am going to have to jump head first into this book soon, I just cant wait any longer, with listening to what everyone says and with what I have read so far.
Great site Krista!! I hope you have a great time with it.
@ Ryan: Thanks, Ryan! I look forward to having you here!
@David: Yes, I just love Rothfuss' use of music it's my favorite part about his writing style. I'll have to look through your old posts and see if I can find that review...
Oh, and I'm sure you'll be able to write like that soon I love reading your blog it has an easy flow to it, and you’re too funny, but you know that already..LOL!
@Melissa: Thanks for the luck I'm sure I'll need it...LOL!
Ah, yes, the cover, this is my favorite cover, but I've not seen where you can buy it at. I found this one on the internet about a year ago and saved it on my computer, because it was super cool! Kvothe's fire red hair and his instrument strapped to his side!!! I love it!
David, I tried looking for that post, but you have so many I couldn't find it. If you want to share the link I'd love to read it! If you can't find it either it's all good....LOL~!
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